Flare Systems

Whether your location is offshore, onshore, field or plant-based; NAO can manufacture a flare to your requirements and location. We have the knowledge and experience to provide the most cost-effective and top quality flare for your specific application. NAO’s elevated, horizontal, pit and enclosed flare systems are designed, manufactured, installed and serviced to ISO-9001 quality standards.
We offer Turnkey Services for all of our equipment; we design, manufacture, install and train. No need to hassle with third parties; allow NAO to take care of everything for you.
Flare design has drastically improved over the years with regard to safety, reliability and overall combustion efficiency. In the past, flare design was nothing more than sticking up a vertical pipe or laying a horizontal line and igniting the gas stream with a flaming arrow, Roman candle or flare pistol. With over 107 years of experience, we utilize field-proven technological innovations to improve the life, operation, performance & quality of our equipment.
- Enclosed ground flares
- Offshore flares
- Fluidic flares
- Open-pit flares (burn pit)
- Open and elevated flares
- Tripod flares
- Staged flares
- Low BTU flares (ammonia / steel mill / bio gas)
- Utility fluidic flares (non assisted)
- Steam assisted flares
- Air assisted flares
- Sonic flares
- Portable flare rentals
- Flare system repairs, parts, service and accessories

Fluidic Flare With Fluidic™ Seal
We were the first to introduce the Multi Baffle Velocity Type Purge Gas reduction seal in 1972. NAO’s Fluidic Flare with Multi Baffle Fluidic Seal and Solid Conical Wind/Flame Shield provides for minimal purge gas flow while maintaining maximum safety, reliability and protection for the equipment. The location of NAO’s seal design not only reduces purge gas reduction but prevents internal combustion inside the flare burner for extended flare life. This also eliminates the need for maintenance-prone refractory linings or the need for increased purge gas, or internal (center) cooling steam, to prevent internal combustion. Center Steam cooling can provide low flow combustion and freezing problems.

Enclosed Flares
Enclosed Flares are also called Enclosed Ground Flares, Populated Area Combustors or Thermal Oxidizer Flares. This design offers many advantages in comparison to open, elevated flares. With no smoke, no odor, no visible flame, no objectionable noise, no expensive steam and no air blowers, state-of-art NPAC (NAO Populated Area Combustors), also called Enclosed Ground Flares” or Thermal Oxidizer Flares, destroy hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors and other objectionable waste streams with a thermal oxidation efficiency better than 99.99%.

Horizontal Flare Pits
Pit Flares/Pilot Burners are normally positioned horizontal and located thru a Fire Brick Wall, Earthen wall and/or Fence surrounding the flare pit.

Utility Flares
Utility Flares are our most basic flare system; we offer smokeless and non-smokeless low pressure flares. They are designed for long term operations, minimum operating cost and minimum maintenance.

Steam Assisted Flares
Smokeless operations can be designed with steam (if steam is available), this would be the most economical option regarding a capital investment. Proper smokeless capacity selection is very important. Effective steam injection is pending steam pressure, the higher steam pressure provides for improved turndown.

Air Assisted Flares
NAO’s Air Assisted Flares can be designed for on or off-shore applications. Smokeless Operation can be provided with, air assisted flares, if steam is not available or if air assist is preferred.

Sonic Flares
Our High Pressure Sonic Flares are normally utilized offshore due to the excessive noise associated with the high exit velocity. NAO offers different types depending on the process design requirements. The design capacity; smokeless capacity & turndown, and the available relief gas pressure are a few factors that will decide which application is best.

Staged Flares
For wide flow-rate changes, staged flaring systems (with multiple flare tips) should be considered. NAO’s Multi- Jet Mix (NMJM) staged flares, in conjunction with NAO External Coanda flares, both Non-Assisted and Air Assisted (NMJM-AA or NMEC-AA) flares, have been installed at numerous locations, around the world. NAO’s staged systems include our UL Listed control panels which provides for easy operation and monitoring of the flare system.

Gas Assisted Flares
NAO’s Gas Assisted Flare Burners provide smokeless combustion of low-BTU waste gases, including toxic gases. We can supply our Fluidic Flare Burner along with a Gas Assist Ring to support and stabilize low-BTU Flare Gas, as it exits the flare burner. Our flares can also be outfitted with assist gas injection nozzles, integral with the flare burner body. The assist gas is injected into the flare gas prior to exiting the flare burner to allow for rapid mixing with the low-BTU flare gas and remain in compliance with federal guidelines.